A week ago I got an email from a fellow Bulgarian, Antonio Stoilkov, asking if I could help to spread the word about a very great Java Script framework he developed in the last 2 years.
He asked me to push it to Product Hunt, because I have submitted similar products in the past. So I looked at the webpage and I really liked the project. I decided that I could do more than just hit the product hunt submit button.
I’ve submitted the link to Reddit’s javascript section and I asked 2 friends to start the buzz. I’ve selected a different title – instead of the original: JSBlocks – Better MV-ish Framework, I choose this one: JSBlocks – faster than AngularJS and ReactJS. Better MV-ish Framework. Oh yeah!
I tried to be polite but in the same time to provoke some strange-thinking people from the community (yes I’ve got a lot of negative comment karma for that) to start writing comments. :)
I asked Antonio to be more active in answering questions and to publish the link of the discussion on Reddit to the main github page of the project. Anyone can ask a question there and to read more about the project – a small step towards community building.
The next step was to try to invite the twitter #javascript community to take a look and join the discussion. We’ve got some nice retweets and more than 300 mentions for just a couple of hours, including from some of the main community drivers of the other 2 frameworks mentioned in the title :)
We were trading for 2 days and the good thing is that we’ve received a very nice feedback. We’ve got more than 90 comments and 63 points (72% upvoted).
Product Hunt
I published the product at Product Hunt early in the Monday morning (April 27) and I’ve started the discussion by sharing questions on twitter and asking people to answer.
Knowing that the PH community is not so javascript-oriented I’ve expected something like ~100 votes, but hey, we’ve got 260 and a really nice and valuable feedback.
You can still see what is going on on twitter by searching jsblocks keyword or using your favourite tool to do that. The point is that now the javascript world knows about jsblocks and this is just the beginning.
Numbers comparison:
In short, Reddit community “converts better” in the path “visit the website – visit the github project – download (or take action)” compared to the Product hunt community.
Product Hunt community is more active and we’ve got more visits from there, but they are mostly curious about everything, so it’s normal just to explore without taking an action.
Do you want more?
Neat! @jsblocks compiles a chained sequence into a function – https://t.co/eKg8xkKUD8
— John-David Dalton (@jdalton) April 29, 2015
“Fast and Furious: JavaScript-Framework jsblocks soll React bei der Performance abhängen” #tech #feedly http://t.co/Fg8rPe6pTc
— Markus Kündig (@TweetMarkus) April 29, 2015
jsblocks: the fastest MV*-JavaScript framework ever? http://t.co/TQuVtXaOxh #javascript #angularjs #webdevelopment
— Philip Ackermann (@cleancoderocker) April 29, 2015
There will be more soon, so, please keep an eye if you are interested in growth hacking for IT projects :)
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