Yesterday I had a growth hacking workshop for Startup Yard accelerator’s startups. Actually It was held in the Node5’s open space and I’ve noticed some other folks eavesdropping and even occasionally shaking heads in agreement.


I was there like 30 min earlier and I was a bit nervous, because I prepared the slides (as usually) in the few hours before the event and I was not sure if I would be able to talk smoothly.

I was welcomed by Lloyd Waldo and Cedric Maloux and and thanks to the unique atmosphere of node5 I felt better so it went well. Of course I had a Club Mate (I love that drink).

I talked in front of 7 startup teams. I may write a separate post about them, because they are so awesome and so full of ideas and potential.

I’ve shared my version of what growth hacking is. I am not a mentor, wearing a super-hero costume like the ones you can see at mentors conventions in Las Vegas, but I have my experience and it turns out that some teams can benefit from my tactics (or hacks if you will) and I am pretty happy with that.

You can find my slides (without notes) by clicking here.

I am really happy to get some positive feedback:

…. and I am disappointed a bit, that I didn’t get any negative one, so I am not able to improve myself further :)

I am planning to create some opportunities for these startups and I really hope they will be very successful in the future.

P.S It appears that I have recommended to most of the teams. I really need to talk to these guys to give me a commission or something. Ha ha :)

P.P.S I had a very similar, public talk in Bulgaria last year, here are some pictures from it. It was actual workshops with a task and it was a real fun :)

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