This mini-book has been staying for at least 2 months in my backlog waiting to be pushed online. It’s time has finally come. I know there are millions of mini-books like that, but this one is different, because it shows things that I’ve learned from my experience working in startups and with communities from 20 to 1.4M e-mail holders.
Let’s get started!
Email marketing is not dead
Admit it, it feels really good when you open your mailbox and you find some good news or nice offers waiting for you. You can even find them within the rest of your e-mail messages full of winning the lottery notifications to offers to enlarge some things or mail from … the FBI. Oops!
It’s not dead at all! It is getting worse but it’s still kicking.
The rest 9 things with a lot of links, examples and free updates are available in my mini-book that can be purchased from Amazon by clicking here.
- Spam checking: Content
- Spam checking: Your Servers
- Spam check: Filters
- Ask to be whitelisted
- Don’t care about open rates, do care about CTR
- CTR are useless if you don’t track conversions
- Segmentation
- Buying e-mail lists
- Searching e-mail lists online
I’d love to lean more about the segmentation. Do you think this is possible even with Mailchimp?
Yes it is possible. Why don’t you subscribe for my newsletter and keep an eye on a new update. I will include Mailchimp as well.