Drumbeat is a new project of Mozilla, aiming to gather a worldwide community around Mozilla Mission (behind the code) in order to come with new ideas and build open technologies for the web. Mozilla Drum-beaters are every day people, who go to places where other Mozilla users and potential users/interested parties gather, and tell them about the Mozilla mission as whole.
1. represent Mozilla Mission to the wider public.
2. help spread the word about Mozilla, Open Web and FOSS.
3. be a point of contact for local community members and channel the feedback to Mozilla.
4. think of creative ways for promoting Mozilla Mission in your region.
Wanna Join?
Select your country and fill the info from here.
@Da Scritch – anyone who is willing to contribute.
I’ve inscribed myself at first, but i removed my entry because I suppose only official mozillan must be entered there. Am I wrong ? Is it opened to even daily enlightened users ?