One of the coolest way to bring the knowledge to the masses is to …write an article for a magazine. I know it’s kinda old fashion, but there are a lot of people that are reading actually magazines.

I will write 2 articles in next several days about JetPack and AddOns in general for JSMag and .Net Magazine (Bulgarian edition) and I hope I will get more people trying to write an AddOn or just diving into this new technology.


I will be stick on:

0. What is an Addon and why we should create more of them.
1. JetPack Architecture and structure.
2. JetPack API (panel, widget and more).
3. How to write an external reusable library.
4. How to remix the code and add your JS to an AddOn;
5. How to use SDK to develop, pack and test your AddOn.

Any recommendations?

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