Every year at December 22th I have a birthday. Strange isn’t it :) Every year I am asking my friend and colleagues to donate money to a great cause instead of buying me some ordinary presents. Two years ago we together have made a great KIVA campaign and we are still helping businesses in Africa with almost 5000 USD. I am really proud with my friends.

So my next birthday is approaching. Do you want to make me happy? Here is my birthday wish. Please donate 10$ (or any other amount) to Mozilla from here.

Mozilla is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web.We are focused on building communities and enriching people’s lives rather than financial gain.

Get a gift from me.
Please let me know your postal address and I will send you something cool via snail mail. You can send me your address to shopov.bogomil at gmail.com

Thank you and Happy Holidays !

2 thoughts on “Make my birthday open wish comes true.

  1. Честит Рожден Ден на патерици, Бого!

    Малко се позабавих с подаръка, но при мен това е навик ;). Но искам да ти подаря и нещо материално, което определено ще те изкефи и е в тон с желението ти. Прати ми един мейл с пощенския ти адреса.


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