The Pirate party was officially founded in Bulgaria Sunday and became a member of the International Pirate movement, informs.

Two party members will travel to Brussels to attend the World Pirate Conference held between April 16 and 18 with representatives of 45 countries.

The idea to establish such party has been in the works for a year now while its Initiative Committee began functioning several months ago. The process of the party’s founding concluded with a Forum in Sofia where delegates from 20 cities and towns voted the party’s code and program and elected its national leadership.

The party insists that copyrights are revoked because they lead to the creation of cartels, loss of democratic values and obstacles for culture and knowledge to reach ordinary people.

Main party principles include: protection of citizens rights, legislative reform in the areas of patent and copyright laws, fight against monopolies, making the right of internet access an essential human right, legal protection and guarantees of free access to information and culture.

In adherence to widespread internet terminology, the party members call themselves moderators and administrators. The Chair of the Initiative Committee, Angel Todorov was elected National Party Administrator. Todorov, along with the member of the party’s National Council, Bogomil Shopov, are the delegates for the Brussels forum.

The Bulgarian Pirate Party was officially congratulated by the country’s Green Party, which reminded the new structure about the partnership between the Greens and the Pirates in the European Parliament.

The Pirates also received congratulation notes from similar formations in Canada, the UK, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Russia, Serbia, Luxembourg and Romania while the congress was attended in person by representatives of the Serbian Pirates Party.

2 thoughts on “Pirate Party Enters Bulgaria Political Scene

  1. Congrats Bogomil! The Pirate Party movement has become an important part of european civil society. Great to see your engagement in there.

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