[dc]W[/dc]hat is FOSDEM? It’s a name of a conference held in Brussels, but it also stand for “Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting”. […]
Category: Open Technologies
Free software or open source related posts.
What’s new in the Java and the JVM World last week?
The new issue of JavaWeeklyBytes is online. What’s in it? Programming languages not copyrightable rules top EU court Unit and Integration Tests With Maven and […]
How to disable new ugly Facebok Timeline profile?
If you want to disable your Facebook Timeline forever – here is a nice way to do it. Yes Forever!
Events, orgaized by me in the last 8 years.
30 events in 8 years. Not bad, eh? Click on the image to see it big :)
LiveRebel 2.0 is here.
We at ZeroTurnaround are releasing version 2.0 of LiveRebel today! What is LiveRebel about, dude? LiveRebel 2.0 is an out-of-the-box solution to end slow, […]