My talk about volunteers has been approved for Mozilla’s dev room at Fosdem. Yes, the schedule is final, but as you can see, there are […]
Month: January 2011
Mozilla in Africa
If you are from Africa and you are fan or contributor of Mozilla, why don’t you join #africa channel on !Photo by Oluniyi David […]
Firefox 4 beta team and FOSDEM
I just received 2 great things: Number 0: My new t-shirt: Number 1: My FOSDEM talk has been approved . I am looking forward to […]
Mozilla membership program – existing communities vs. new global one.
You can read part 1 and part 2. What will be the relations between “new” members form a country with local communities. For example: “New” […]
Mozilla membership program – (part 2)
You can read part 1 here. I will post my messages with Mark Surman. They shows everything I think about Mozilla’s new membership program: Hello […]
A good news from … Google
A great news came from Google this morning. They are removing H.264 support in Chromium and are trying to push on WebM project.