My jetpack.ruble project has a new version. Hooray. The idea is to provide a rapid development tools for opensource IDE called Aptana, as a part […]
Category: Open Technologies
Free software or open source related posts.
What is #OpenData
#opendata from Open Knowledge Foundation on Vimeo.
Announcing the Kolab Server 2.3.0
“For the plane in the fog, the mountain is unforeseeable, but then it is suddenly very real, and inevitable.” Simon Forster, Minister for foreign relations […]
OKFN community and me.
I will help OKFN in building their community around CKAN ant other important topics for me and them. They really like what I did for […]
OpenCamp Sofia 2011
In June a 2 day event will take place in will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, under the title ‘OpenCamp Sofia‘, addressing open government, PSI […]
A good news from … Google
A great news came from Google this morning. They are removing H.264 support in Chromium and are trying to push on WebM project.