You can read part 1 and part 2.
What will be the relations between “new” members form a country with local communities.
For example:
“New” members from Bulgaria will be joining Mozilla membership program from website. Where is the place of local community websites on that process?
I am worried because there can be separation between existing communities and the global community. After new program starts there will be 2 Bulgarian communities – the existing one – from our website and the new one – around
We have to think about how to manage that . For example to show information how to join your local community, etc.
What do you think? How you see the connection between this global community and your local one?
Good questions about how to help people get involved in local communities. I just posted some ideas about this and would be interested in your thoughts.
Thank you David,
I will look at it later today :)
Yeah, Guillermo, this is a good idea to propose more information about local websites somehow to “new” members and the websites should be ready to welcome those members as well.
As far as I understand Join Mozilla program, and if it’s clear in all websites how you could find the local community, there’s no problem. IF someone from Argentina wish to contribute $5 to Mozilla, in the e-mail confirmation could receive all the info relative with our local community, if she/he wants, could communicate with us.
I understand it like 2 degrees, the first one (like you wrote in other post) is more like «I wish t help this people and learn more about them», then, they could connect direct with the local communty if they want.
Maybe with the work of engagement group the connection with people who want to go further in his/her involucration with mozilla will we easy to local communities.