OpenFest 2010 – the eighth edition of the annual fest for open culture, open software and free sharing of knowledge will take place on 20th and 21st November 2010. For second year the fest will be held at the business center Interpred in Sofia.

This will be the eighth time that OpenFestwill gather together the fans of the free and open software and culture with its diverse agenta. This year the accent will fall strongly on the technical lectures.

In the spirit of out tradition to present free/open alternatives Bogomil Shopov will acquaint us with Kolab – the full equivalent of the expensive and closed solutions such as Exchange.

Yes, I will be talking about Kolab. Do you know what is this:

If you ask the guys from “IT Crowd”, this may be .. the Internet, but in fact is an ugly black box – yes, the same like Microsoft exchange.

What if you can rely on a better solution for your company? Why not be able to look what’s inside the box and to fix something to make your groupware experience better?

Come and see me, presenting the blue open box, called Kolab.

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